Example Post
Note that this post uses a Featured Image and that the image is used as a header on the post. In this case since the image is not wide enough, it centers it and leaves a slightly shaded area to the left and right. It did not try stretching the image to fill the full width available. So, in the future, either this is acceptable or I use wider image. I think the height of these featured imagines is fixed. Check.’Need to add a duplicate post/page plugin.
This is a sample post, not page, used to test various elements of the theme design. In the post we placed a photo on the right that is redesigned from the original uploaded original size of 2592 x 3888 down to a thumbnail size–determined as 150 px by 150 px by the theme. When I uploaded the image I was given the option of selecting thumbnail, medium, large, and original size.
I am now going to upload the image again but select the medium size. Same original size of 2592 x 3888 but now it appears as a 200 x 300 size image and is cropped to reflext that it is not a square, but a portrait oriented rectangle.
This is a sample page used to test various elements of the theme design. This is a sample page used to test various elements of the theme design. This is a sample page used to test various elements of the theme design. This is a sample page used to test various elements of the theme design. This is a sample page used to test various elements of the theme design. This is a sample page used to test various elements of the theme design.
Ok, let’s do the large size. This size, large, is 471 x 711 and it fills the column completely.
Now I am adding the same file at the original size. This won’t fit so I am curious as to how it will display, be handled.
Apparently if it won’t fit, it re-sizes it to fit the space available. This is a sample page used to test various elements of the theme design. This is a sample page used to test various elements of the theme design. This is a sample page used to test various elements of the theme design. This is a sample page used to test various elements of the theme design. This is a sample page used to test various elements of the theme design. This is a sample page used to test various elements of the theme design.