OHS Leads WLT All-Sports Race After Fall Season
OHS tennis team member Lindsay Holsen
Guess which Wisconsin Little Ten conference school is leading the 2012-2013 race for the conference’s all-sports title?
If you guess defending all-sports champ Oconomowoc, you’d be correct. But there is a surprise: West Bend West is tied with OHS for the lead after the close of the fall sports season with 53.5 points.
Hartford is third with 43 points, followed by Watertown with 37.5 and Beaver Dam at 36.5 Wisconsin Lutheran is next with 32 and Slinger and West Bend East are last with 25.5 points each.
Nine fall sports figured into the points tabulations for the WLT’s seven member schools: boys cross country, girls cross county, football, girls golf, boys soccer, girls volleyball, girls swimming (dual meets), girls swimming (conference championship meet), and girls tennis.
Only Wisco, Slinger and West Bend East do not field teams in all these sports, which of course affects their score. Wisco, for example, does not field girls golf, or girls swimming teams. East does not have a girls golf team. Slinger does noy have a girls swim team or a girls golf team.
Leading the race for the highest number of championship teams is Hartford with titles in three sports: girls tennis and girls swimming dual meets and girls swimming conference meet. Next up is Wisco with two titles (football and boys cross country. The other schools with championships are Slinger (boys soccer), West Bend West (girls cross country), and Beaver Dam (girls golf). Watertown and East tied for the girls volleyball title.
Only Oconomowoc failed to win a conference championship this fall but the school’s all-round high erformance in all sports gives it the overall lead.
Cooney teams this fall were second in five sports: boys cross country, girls golf, girls tennis, and girls swimming (dual meets and the conference meet). Two other OHS teams, in football and boys soccer, finished third.