Since 2003-2004 OSBC Support to OHS Teams and Programs Exceeds $700,000

Football is just one of the many sports benefiting from funding provided by the OSBC. Photo by Malcolm McIntyre courtesy of Oconomowoc Today
Since the 2003/2004 school year, community financial support of the OSBC have enabled us to contribute more than $700,000 to support athlete programs at the high school and intermediate schools. The largest single effort to date is the more than $340,000 used to build the PDC facility at the the high school. Other support has ranged from helping underwrite attendance of coaches at seminars to floor mats for the wrestling teams to new tennis courts. Typically, coaches for the various teams submit requests for items to the athletic director who then brings requests to the OSBC. In general, the items supported by the OSBC are items that are not budgeted for by the Oconomowoc Area School District. Below is a partial list of items made possible by community support channeled through the OSBC.
Athletic trainer
Assistance coaches
Hockey ice time
Coaching clinics
Volleyball training tapes
Sailing team support
Bowling team support
Ski racing timing system
Golf balls
Ski team hill rental fees
Pressbox renovation
Stadium sound system
New tennis courts
Game balls
Football 7-man sled
Track timing system
Batting tunnel
Leon Seagrave seminar
Scorer’s table
Gymnastics uneven bars
PDC ice machine
Long jump pads
Summer basketball league entry fees
Bleacher end caps
Pom team support
Leadership retreat
Gymnastics spring floor
Wrestling mats
Softball team support
Cheerleader team mats
Golf range nets
Cross country clock
Field house batting cage
Matrix timer – PDC
Swim board for the YMCA
Pom team support
Fire Dept ATV trailer for EMTs
Goalie equipment for the lacrosse team
Middle school hurdles
Portable soccer goals
Trophy case at OHS
Hurdles for the Field House
Coach recognition
Athletic Fields Forever
Baseball training DVDs
Baseball equipment
Golf bags
Volleyball standards for the Field House
Gymnastics landing mats
Hurdles for outside track
Cross country/track tent